With an essay written by Matthew Dunne: Title: Rest as Resistance Eating Wild Weeds is a body of work that is, to my eye, a call to view the texture of every day as a gentle refutation of the impossibility of geopolitics. In the images by Alex Flannery, and the poems by Ouyang Yu, the day-to-day living that defines everyone’s life is given space and intimacy, through this one cannot help but feel more sympathetic with those who are photographed. Eating Wild Weeds functions as an exhibition that seeks to look into who and what China is. Like any country, we often see appealing images meant to attract tourists and celebrate achievement, yet Flannery’s images avoid such heady content and, instead, tries to connect with the fabric of living. In a way, as an outsider, Flannery is positioned optimally to notice what makes every day living worth noticing and distinct. Rather than focusing on the headline, this photography is all about the fine print. Flannery’s im...