"The English Class" by Ouyang Yu is a novel that explores the complex relationship between language, culture, and identity through the story of its protagonist, Jing. Here are some key points and comments on the novel: Plot and Structure Unique Structure: The novel is divided into three parts, each focusing on different stages of Jing's life. This structure allows Yu to explore Jing's journey from a truck driver in China to a student of English at university, and finally to his life in Australia. However, some reviewers find that the first three-quarters of the book, which focus on ordinary lives, lack dramatic intrigue. Postmodern Elements: Yu incorporates postmodernist elements, such as authorial commentary and reflections on the act of writing. While these can be thought-provoking, they sometimes interrupt the narrative flow and may not always integrate meaningfully into the story. Characters Protagonist Jing: Jing is a complex character whose obsession with learni...