News just in
刚刚收到的消息,记一下。Judith Wright Calanthe Poetry Award,是澳大利亚昆士兰州文学奖中的一项诗歌大奖。自2004年设奖以来,已有十七年矣。获奖者基本上都是白人,有John Kinsella,David Malouf,Michael Farrell,David Musgrave,Les Murray,等。实况转播在此:
今年有一位华人获奖,这很意外,特此向他表示祝贺!并代他向评委、组委会、Ginninderra Press的Stephen,写书背语的Steve和John,以及一直以来支持他的各方人士表示由衷感谢!
Just got the news from here: that he has won this year's Judith Wright Calanthe Award. Pleased for him and congrats to him on winning it. My thanks on his behalf go to the Awarding Committee, the Judges, Stephen Matthews at Ginninderra Press, Steve and John for writing the blurbs, and everyone who has been supportive of his poetic endeavours.